Saturday, November 10, 2007

Attention Illegals and Supporters: English is our Societal and Cultural Glue.

The vast majority of the American people- including legal Latinos of many nationalities- are alarmed and angry at the current status of foot dragging in resolving the torrent of illegals streaming across our southern border with Mexico on a daily basis. Hidden in the torrent are jihadists determined to cause mass slaughter of Americans.

This vast majority can also be viewed as the melting pot majority. Their heritage recognizes that we are all descended from immigrants at some point in time between Columbus and today and also recognizes their ethnic culture and customs contributed to the unique American culture
cherished today by the melting pot majority. The unspoken or little spoken premise is that each of the myriad of ethnic cultures and languages is a small part of the total melting pot. None can become dominant as part of the blend except by immigration of any single culture/language with overwhelming numbers.

The English language is dynamic and everchanging, reflecting the dynamism of the underlying culture. It is the common bond and the only effective way for the people of the many various cultural backgrounds to communicate with each other. English then becomes the most crucial component of our unique American culture and American identity. The melting pot majority does not intend to stand idly by while multiculturism, multilingualism and encroachment by any
single culture/language brings on the disunity of warring factions focused on gaining suremacy vs. each other as the American society and our prosperous American nation crumbles into oblivion.

The encroaching culture/language is from Mexico . Unfortunately, the absence of countervailing
actions in the past and feeble efforts today when Manhattan project scope is mandatory must now be countered with extreme measures. The ladders and tunnels arguments are ludicrous, a double wall must be built and patrolled with overwhelming manpower and the latest suitable technology.

The rising prices argument or even economic disaster arguments because cheap illegal labor is not utilized are weak. If higher pay scales are necessary to replace illegals the melting pot majority will absorb them gladly as part of halting illegal immigration in its tracks.

Unknowing employers must be provided with the instant ability to screen out illegals. A court has stayed the first federal government effort to establish an adequate system.

Employers knowingly hiring illegals must be punished with sufficient financial pain to stop this practice . Homeland security must assign adequate manpower to do the job. The melting pot majority will not accept a token effort.

An often repeated argument by supporters is the physical impossibility of finding and deporting 12 million or more illegals. Of course not, why even countenance such a cost prohibitive project.

Controlling employers and a policy of permanently and relentlessly ferreting out illegals could work. Illegals are said to live in the shadows now. The shadows will grow even darker when an illegal knows he can be found and deported with expedited procedures along with all family at any time, anywhere. I am certain other measures can be taken in addition to the few but critical
ones outlined above.

The melting pot majority believes the debate has gone on ad nauseum. The time has come for a full court press until the illegal immigration problem without amnesty or any other concession is brought under control.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Distractions of the Global Warming Myth

Initially, the climatologist/meteorologist community ignored the sheer absurdity of man-made global warming advocates - believing that such a mentality would fade away as certainly as the predictions of end times from the next religious group to do so.

Understandably but also unfortunately this allowed the man-made global warming alarmists to gain a foothold of one sided influence in the common man's thinking.

In recent years the climatologist/ meteorologist community- realizing the seriousness of the developing situation- began to counter the fiction of man-made global warming alarmists with solid, indisputable scientific facts . While not too late, it certainly extends the time, effort and resources necessary for the common man- preoccupied with the everyday problems of making ends meet- to understand and accept that man-made global warming is the largest myth ever in the history of mankind.

My purpose is not to dwell on the pro or cons of the now intense debate. One need not be a "rocket scientist " -as we like to say in the vernacular- to see that attempts to equate the Carbon Dioxide concentration in the atmosphere vs. the Sun's variable radiation intensity, cloud cover and ocean currents as they effect temperature, can only be viewed as absurd.

I hear and see nothing taking into account the distractions- becoming very high future costs- now impacting individuals, groups, local and state government jurisdictions and the federal level as well ( Kyoto, anyone? ). Just a smattering of recent news stories will suffice to project where we are going as a nation.

Individuals: Singly or in like minded groups trying to reduce carbon emissions by reading with candlelight to name one. Touching, yes. Necessary? a resounding no!

Local and state governments: Ill advised outright bans or restrictions on carbon emissions without any consideration on costs and lost jobs. A distraction from running their jurisdictions effectively, efficiently and wisely.

Churches: Countrywide church organizations such as the National Council of Churches calling for assistance to the poor to compensate for highger costs ( taxes ) to reduce carbon emissions.
A distraction from focusing on novel ways to raise funds to assist the poor.

Corporations: Portraying themselves as providing green products , made with green processes when their true interest is improving the bottom line. A distraction from providing products and services that meet people's needs at the lowest possible costs. In particular, oil companies creating the naive impression that alternate fuels are just around the corner in their advertising.
The need to develop alternate forms of energy stands on its own without the justifications of unnecessary carbon reductions, thank you. Fossil fuels are not an inexhaustible source of energy. Again a distraction with a very short sighted view.

Federal: The ethanol program using corn as the prime source is beneficial to farmers and Archer, Daniels Midland and no one else. Food costs are rising sharply, all in the name of reducing carbon emissions. A distraction from the need to permit domestic oil/gas drilling until such time-and long time- as alternate fuel technology can be established, production ramped up to sufficient levels and distribution is adequate.

Future historians may record the folly of today's distractions becoming the destructions that made a once great nation a second rate nation