Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Second thoughts about the DPW debacle

Within minutes of the statement by Dubai -that they intended to sell their port terminal acquisitions to an American company- caused the latent pot of recriminations and questions to boil over. Will Dubai retaliate by restricting or blocking our use of their naval and air facilities? Will it adversely affect our developing relationship with friendly mid-east nations? Perhaps nothing sums it up better than the worn but in this case accurate " a day late and a dollar short ".
Polls showed the American people irate with the sale and why not? What they heard was that the operation and security of six American ports would be run by Dubai that previously had recognized the Taliban among other nefarious acts. Who can blame the people for reacting negatively to that message ? However, we can clearly blame both parties in congress: the Democrats trying to burnish their weak image on the war in terrorism, The Republicans for deserting the president but more importantly for abdicating their leadership to reconcile the critical issues of port security and building support for the war on terror by other nations . Does the latter have a familar ring? Is that not what the Democrats have advocated for years?

Who will the fingers of blame be pointed at if the foreign private sector thinks twice about investing in the U.S. or foreign governments sell off the treasury bonds they currently hold? The economic impact of these actions would be severe. We probably will squeak by because they need our military support. The entire matter could have been resolved by congress and the administration jointly setting the requirements needed to meet all security concerns. Perhaps Dubai would have settled for a carefree monthly check for the profits. We will never know.


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