Wednesday, March 08, 2006

some conservatives slow advance by looking back

Dr. Bill Bennett has stated that the American people are confused regarding the Dubai Port World proposed purchase of certain terminals at six U.S. seaports. With all due respect to Dr. Bennett- with a record of uncanny accuracy in calling the mood of the people- misses the call on this issue. The people are angry and growing angrier. Initially, the anger was due to the perennially inaccurate descriptions of the media reporting UAE takeover of security and operation at the six seaports in their entirety. These reports created a mental picture in American's collective minds of men in Arab garb sneaking in wmd's of all sorts at will at these six ports. Very few American's could endure that vision- especially since president Bush seemingly was going counter to his own policy.

This first wave of anger moderated over the next few days as people began to look at the map of the UAE sitting directly across the strategic Straight of Hormuz from Iran, the air base and naval facility in Dubai and the role they would play should push come to shove over Iran's
nuclear threat. The second wave of anger is building as the people see the Democrats, along with their compatriots in the media, making the absurd assertion that the democrats had seized the national security issue from the Republicans and the Republicans, in turn, deserting their president, running for the tall grass, with vows to resist the president at all costs. When you spice that mix with their growing realization that most port operations are largely run by foreign companiies , how inadequate port security is in total and until recently all the effort expended to be sure grandma was not carrying box cutters on board commercial aircraft. We should be thankful that American's anger has not yet erupted given the underlying current of inadequate border security.

Rush Limbaugh seems to be the only conservative talk show host to see the president's prioity need to not endanger to any degree the vital necessity of maintaining our use of the air and naval facilities in Dubai. At the same time my other stalwart hosts are driving with their eyes focused on the rear view mirror . It pains me to hear Bill Bennett, Laura Ingraham, Shawn Hannity, Hugh Hewitt and others cast their opposition in concrete with little effort to provide leadership in influencing a solution that will satisfy all the port security qualms while at the same time maintaing the super vital facilities in Dubai should we need them.

When president Bush announced his " you are either with us or against us policy " after 9/11 I am more than certain he did not intend that any given government was eternally stuck with the status they happened to be in back then . On the contrary president Bush would be due severe criticism for not pursuing a policy of winning over mid-east countries to our side of the war on terror.

I think it is time for conservative talk show hosts to realize that they- like it or not- are the leaders of the alternative media movement with great influence on what we the people hear and act on. You no longer are just an entertaining narrow commercial interest. When you drive with your focus on the rear view mirror , the wreck you most probably have could be a national wreck with severe long lasting consequences.

It is not to late to lead by talking about all american management of the ports with a severe penalty wall for communicating security arrangements to foreign governments or encouraging a U.S. company to buy the port terminals in question from DPW . I am sure I have not exhausted the available options and am confident there are many more options . It just takes looking forward and a little common sense.


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